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Learning about: Colosseum, Italy

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Not commonly known, the Colosseum had a retractable awning system called the 'velarium,' made of linen or canvas to provide shade for spectators. It also featured a hidden complex beneath the floor, the 'hypogeum,' with tunnels and trap doors for dramatic entrances and exits. Additionally, the Colosseum was used for public executions, showcasing various forms of death sentences to the audience.
Visit during the spring (April and May) or fall (September and October) for pleasant weather and fewer crowds compared to the hot summer months. Summer (June to August) tends to be crowded and hot, impacting the experience. Before planning, check the Colosseum's opening hours, events, and renovations for the most enjoyable visit.
Yes. These underground tunnels housed gladiators and animals before performances. Accessed through a network of passageways, these tunnels, spanning around 5,000 square meters, offer a fascinating glimpse into ancient Roman spectacles for modern visitors.

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